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Three Common Listening Errors and Tips for Overcoming Them

Jenani Paul

Have you ever considered the power of your listening skills to strengthen your marriage? Listening isn't just about hearing words; it's about connecting, getting where your partner's coming from, and making them feel seen and heard. But let's be honest: genuinely listening is challenging. We all slip up, especially when things get tense. Let's chat about those listening hiccups that might be tripping you up.

The Listening Hiccups in Marriage

The Self-Defense Mechanism

Do you know when your partner's talking about something that bugs them, and all you can think about is what you'll say back? That's you in self-defence mode. It's like you're half-listening but just waiting for your turn to speak. We're not letting our partner's words in when we're all armoured up like that. What if we took a deep breath and tried to see things from their side instead? Imagine how much closer that could bring you two.

Jumping Straight to Fix-It Mode

Ever catch yourself throwing out solutions before your partner's even finished their sentence? It's like we're wired to fix things ASAP. But sometimes, your partner needs you to be there to hear them out, not to whip out a toolbox of quick fixes. It's about feeling with them, not just solving for them.

Being Too Sure of Yourself

Ever listen to your partner and think, "Well, that's not right"? We all do it. We've got the whole picture, and we're still waiting to get something. Everyone's got their take on things, shaped by stuff we might not see. Being open, asking questions, and diving into their origins can be a game-changer.

So, if you're nodding along, thinking, "Yep, that's us," it might be time to give us a call. Whether untangling communication knots or finding new ways to hear each other out, we're here to help. We're all about turning those listening hiccups into strengths. Our
marriage counselling in Newmarket is about creating a space where both of you feel safe to open up and where listening turns into understanding and connecting on a deeper level.

Rock of Peace Counselling, every couple has the potential to find their rhythm, to get each other, and to build a relationship that's strong, supportive, and full of understanding. Let's chat, listen, and see how we can strengthen your partnership.

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